Station Historical Data
Summary for May 17, 2022 - February 13, 2025 Units:  Both    English   Metric
- TO -
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Custom
  High: Low: Average:
Temperature: -80.1919 °F /  -62.3 °C °F /  -17.8 °C 0 °F /  -17.8 °C
Dew Point: °F /  -17.8 °C °F /  -17.8 °C 0 °F /  -17.8 °C
Humidity: % % 0%
Wind Speed: mph /  0km/h - 0mph /  0km/h
Wind Gust: mph /  0km/h - -
Pressure: in /  0 hPa in /  0 hPa -
Precipitation: 0 in /  0 mm    
Historical Graphs
Custom Date Range Tabular Data
TWC- Temp (°F / °C) Dew Point (°F / °C) Humidity (%) Sea Level Pressure (in / hPa) Wind (mph / km/h) Gust Speed (mph / km/h) Precip (in / mm)
Nil high ave low high ave low high ave low high low high ave high sum
WedPr /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
TWC- Temp (°F / °C) Dew Point (°F / °C) Humidity (%) Sea Level Pressure (in / hPa) Wind (mph / km/h) Gust Speed (mph / km/h) Precip (in / mm)
Nil high ave low high ave low high ave low high low high ave high sum
WedRe /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
WedCi /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
WedDM /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
WedLa-80.1919 /  -62.3 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
WedCo /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
TWC- Temp (°F / °C) Dew Point (°F / °C) Humidity (%) Sea Level Pressure (in / hPa) Wind (mph / km/h) Gust Speed (mph / km/h) Precip (in / mm)
Nil high ave low high ave low high ave low high low high ave high sum
WedCl /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
TWC- Temp (°F / °C) Dew Point (°F / °C) Humidity (%) Sea Level Pressure (in / hPa) Wind (mph / km/h) Gust Speed (mph / km/h) Precip (in / mm)
Nil high ave low high ave low high ave low high low high ave high sum
WedGr /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
TWC- Temp (°F / °C) Dew Point (°F / °C) Humidity (%) Sea Level Pressure (in / hPa) Wind (mph / km/h) Gust Speed (mph / km/h) Precip (in / mm)
Nil high ave low high ave low high ave low high low high ave high sum
WedSp /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  -17.8 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0 /  0
Liberty Hills, Hanover Township, Pennsylvania, USA
Compliments of Weather Underground